
Data analytics and consulting

Add data analysts and clinical experts to your team to create actionable solutions for your healthcare plan to reduce costs, eliminate waste, improve oversight and satisfy employee benefit needs.


We Provide

Behavior Modeling

Your employees’ health and productivity are a top priority, yet changing human behavior is a complex and difficult task. Data analytics coupled with clinical expertise guides the most productive solutions to help your members remain healthy, receive the best care and become intelligent consumers of our healthcare system.

Working with your unique population, we can use the power of refined rules and your data to develop a plan design that is adaptable and encourages healthy behavior and supports behavior change when needed.

Impact Analysis

In order to evaluate your health plan and costs from all angles, you must begin with the best data analysis and assessment of your spending. Our healthcare industry experts and clinicians provide insight and consultation to work through all the what-if scenarios within your healthcare plan and spending.

In healthcare, outcomes are the bottom line. Our team is uniquely qualified to help you analyze outcomes and their impact on your financial stability and the quality of care your members receive.

Payment Integrity

Most companies are not equipped to deeply examine their healthcare claims data. Why should they be? That’s our job.

Our data team works with payment integrity specialists to identify areas that may be adversely impacting your plan. Whether that is low-value care or inaccurate payments, our team works with you to create proactive policies and solutions that not only save money but improve care.

Anomaly Detection

Anomalies in your data are a red flag. Finding anomalies can provide important information about your costs. We begin by benchmarking and conducting industry analysis to see how your healthcare claims differ from your peers.

Next, we work to identify these anomalies and assess validity. In healthcare data, this is an important step that cannot be skipped. It could be the difference between identifying an incident of excessive billing or confirming the claims for a very sick patient requiring unique care.

Plan design through data

Plan Optimization

How do you make the right decisions for your employees while finding healthcare that does not compromise your budget? It can be achieved when you have a clear and concise look at your data to see how your healthcare dollars are being spent.

Plan and program optimization is achieved through impartial data intelligence and healthcare industry expertise that can maximize dollars while still providing the best care for your members.


Let Data Drive Your Decisions

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